More of the good stuff

Grab and go. That’s the idea. Pack up your gear ready to roll and then when the moment strikes, you’re out the door. That’s the idea. In practice…not always so smooth.

But that’s what I’m at least trying for here. A box ( and a cool vintage handmade old-school one at that), full of the good stuff. Wild camping gear to make everyone smile. Knives and axes and tarps and matches and cook-sets and sleeping mats and leather gloves and para-chord… enough to make me smile anyway. And enough gear, technically, for four of us to escape. I just have to haul the tents separately!

Mostly, I just settle on pulling it off the shelf and opening it occasionally. Just to have a peek. Wondering if the moment should strike me there and then if I could actually grab it and go. That’s what camping is for, wild camping especially, the lure of just getting out without much stuff and thriving. Bushcrafting even more so- the famous saying goes- the more you know, the less you need. I tell myself I could survive with just a few things from the box… a knife and some chord and the tarp. Maybe the cookset. And the sleeping mat. Oh and the lighter… pockets are full now.

We need more of the good stuff.


Graham Berry